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  • ArkéAube. From the first peasants to the Prince of Lavau (-5300/-450)

ArkéAube. From the first peasants to the Prince of Lavau (-5300/-450)

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ArkéAube. From the first peasants to the Prince of Lavau (-5300/-450)

Exhibition presented by the Department of Aube and INRAP (National Institute of Preventive Archaeological Research).

From May 5 to December 30, 2018, and from April to September 2019.
Hôtel-Dieu-le-Comte, rue de la Cité – Troyes (Aube )
Open Tuesday to Sunday from 9:30 to 18:00.
Closed exceptionally November 1st and December 25, 2018

The program of events can be found at www.arke.aube.fr (agenda)

The exhibition 'ArkeAube' in Troyes (2018-2019) : from the Neolithic to the Iron Age, a voyage through prehistoric Aube.

In six steps and through more than 200 archaeological objects, the ArkeAube exhibition reveals how people, over the course of thousands of years, crossed, inhabited, invested in, and exploited the territory of the Aube. From before the first settlers 7,000 years ago to the splendours of the Celtic princes 2,500 years ago.

The Aube territory is shown here as a natural crossroads for civilizations and exchanges, at the intersection of two migratory and trade axes:

  • the East-West axis, from the large Turkish plateaus to the Atlantic coasts,
  • the North-South axis, from the Baltic Sea to the Mediterranean.

The exhibition highlights the determining characteristics of a territory that inspired flourishing trade and intense cultural exchanges: its privileged location and the grand boulevards of fluvial transportation that are the Seine and the Aube.

Prince of Lavau: the very first restored objects unveiled

The exhibition is the occasion to unveil to the public the very first objects recovered  from the monumental necropolis of the Prince of Lavau (near Troyes) - a major discovery in Europe uncovered in 2015 by INRAP (National Institute of Preventive Archaeological Research). These vestiges will be revealed gradually, from their analysis to their restoration, by the C2RMF (Centre for Research and Restoration of the Museums of France).

A journey in 6 steps

  • Aube, a territory between several worlds: the arrival of humans during the Palaeolithic
  • Moving to the Aube: the revolution of settlements during the Neolithic age.
  • The era of farmers and stockbreeders: the exploitation of resources and the refinement of the technical flint industry
  • Merchants, artisans, warriors: the economic development, globalization and emergence of elites from the new bronze economy
  • Princes and dynasties: access to iron and the princely elite. The Prince of Lavau
  • Principal archaeological discoveries in the Aube and their lessons